Deep thought 💭 on An updated way to make the iPhone a dumb phone

Originally, I had created a series of steps using Workflow, Launch Center Pro, and Sidefari to beat my iPhone addiction. Recent changes in Workflow have made the process even simpler.

Before disabling Safari with iOS restrictions, the workflow shortcut can be added to the home screen. This will launch Workflow directly, no need to jump to Safari first.

Second, the new workflow will take the URL from the clipboard and presenting three options:

  1. Open the URL that is on the clipboard
  2. Search for a term
  3. Enter a URL

With the release of Workflow 1.5, a new feature included is the ability to show a Safari View Controller without needing to use Sidefari.

All in all, this update to Workflow has created a simple, effective way to keep distraction off of my phone.

  <img src="" alt=""/>

Download Workflow

Download Safari Replacement workflow

Published: Jun 15, 2016 @jeredb →