Deep thought 💭 on A Better Delegated Omnifocus Applescript

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I have been using the Delegated Applescript for Omnifocus from Guillame Cerquant since it was originally released back in 2008. It was one of the original scripts that showed the power of Applescripting in Omnifocus. I even created my own variation of the delegated script to email the delegated task to the person, etc.. Turns out, only really works well, when you use this version with other people who are also using Omnifocus.

Today, I was modifying the “oldie, but goodie” version to create not just a delegated task, but also a follow up task, that can have a separate due date from the original task (and subsequent delegated task), as well as control over the order in which they are created.

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Updated: Removed a diagnostic line of code.

Updated 4/3/2015: Removed script to push to latest version on Github

Published: May 9, 2013 @jeredb →